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Writing about natural history has been one of the most interesting and personally important undertakings in my life.  Natural history and ecology, really.  As mentioned earlier, I was invited to write a popular article about a biological system I was studying, and that was that.
The 3 books below were written by me, about the West, the San Francisco Peaks and essays about everything else.  They are loaded with information, and it's very accessible.  They pay homage to this amazing world. 
The books dive deeply into all the processes that lead to how the world is now, how it's been and where we're headed.


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University of Utah Press, 2011
How the West was and is being built geologically.
How the last ice age ushered in high elevation creatures, and affected the Great Basin and the Colorado so differently,  
How the Colorado River behaved so differently in Glen Canyon and Grand Canyon before impoundment.
And so on.  Best native fish list available!

WaringArts 2018 
How the southwestern US formed geologically,

How the San Francisco Volcanic Field formed
How plants and animals came to this sky island
WaringArts 2024 
Essays on Mt Elden, Wupatki, Aubineau-Bear Jaw, the dayflower, muttongrass, the ice age here, extinctions, fires and flooding, the history of Buffalo Park, the San Juan River, Lees Ferry, and Bebb willows.
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